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Welcome to the Trafficlogger-Project-Page!


Trafficlogger is a tiny console-program which logs your traffic.
It can log nearly all traffic specified for a device (eg. TCP, UDP, IPX,...).
It is written in ANSI-C (ISO-C99 compliant) and should compile and
work on nearly all Linux distributions with the "/proc/net/dev"-file.

September 3, 2006

After a very long time, i have worked on Trafficlogger.
So a new release 0.3.0 is now out.
I have tested it a lot and found no bugs so far.
So i encourage everyone to test the new release.
The new release uses a Makefile, so installation is now
more automated. You can also change the user and group used
for Trafficlogger now without much work.
If you find bugs than please post it to me or use the sourceforge
bugzilla for this. Happy new logging ^^.

June 25, 2003

Now, a long time has passed since the latest stable
release of Trafficlogger. No bugs were found in this time,
so i think i could call it now stable.
I will rewatch the source for perfomance and security
optimizations in the next time. Studying costs me a lot
of time, so i can't do very much now.
If you have problems or if you think the program should be optimized
then post in the forum or feature tracker or send me an email.

November 21, 2002

Sorry for not updating Trafficlogger for such
a long time. I am studying now, so i have very few
time for mantaining the project.
But i think in the next future i will update
Trafficlogger with multiple devices support and
multithreading. Please post me bugs if you find some.
Some feature-requests would be nice too.
For me Trafficlogger runs perfect so i need especially
information, how it works on other systems than Linux.

August 30, 2002

I beautified the source-code of Trafficlogger.
While going through the source i made
some performance-optimizations and
rethought about the summaryfunction.
I found some special cases on which
the summaryfunction would react buggy.
So i debugged it and tested it with
selfmade logfiles and many special cases.
I hope it will work perfect now.
If you find bugs especially in the month-
summary then please report it to me.
Your logfiles won't be touched at all
if you upgrade, so there won't be any
Update it as usual.

I also added the "History" of Trafficlogger
to the project-page.

August 28, 2002

Released Trafficlogger 0.2.1 stable.
Only one annoying bug was found which
doesn't do any malicious code but logs
0 byte traffic, which is senseless.
I changed this and testet the stable
release for about a week.
Please test it and report bugs.

August 22, 2002

Now Trafficlogger 0.2.0 beta is out.
I made a lot of changes, now Trafficlogger
acts like a daemon and logs your traffic
Please test it, because now Trafficlogger
seems to become a nearly perfect release.

August 15, 2002

Trafficlogger 0.1.1 stable is out.
Only a little change has been made.

August 11, 2002

Now my page for Trafficlogger is up.
[ News ]

Trafficlogger 0.3.0 is out!!!
I hope it is stable for all of you.
I have tested it thoroughly.
If you find a bug, than report it to me.
If you have suggestions to make Trafficlogger more suitable to
your needs then use the Feature Request.

[ Updates ]

Changes in 0.3.0:
Rewrite of the sourcecode.
Fixed some minor bugs.
Small changes in the configurationfile.
Design © 2002 Christian Zielinski alias Marksman  -  Text © 2002 Locke